Mr. B is Cute and Online!

Mr. B had his portrait painted by an artist, a person he’s never met! Ahh, the magic of the internet.

The talented artist, Karen Schmidt, has a blog called Send Me Your Head, which is just what it sounds like. Send Karen a headshot, and you may get to see it transformed into a painting.
Apparently, Karen is attempting to complete a portrait a day, which is a mighty undertaking. The procrastinating writer could learn a thing or two about dedication from this…

The truly amazing thing is that the portraits are 3″ x 3″ in size. How does she do that?
In the photo I sent, Mr. B was actively channeling David Tennant, of recent Dr. Who fame, who is one his favorite actors (and mine).

4 thoughts on “Mr. B is Cute and Online!”

  1. Thank god for this post. I awoke in a blind panic this morning and this has snapped me out of it. For a while,,,,

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