It’s horrible, it’s amazing, it’s odd, it’s…
Jeff Vandermeer posing next to a random sign in Prague!
No, wait. That’s not it. Reverse that, start again.
Jeff and Ann Vandermeer recently put together this astounding and disturbing collection called The Thackery T. Lambshead Cabinet of Curiousities (in which I am a tiny bit proud to appear, in a tiny little way), and NOW Ann has written a hy-larious and unsettling account of how the volume really came to be (wink, wink), including hijinks in Prague. Paired with images from the collection, it’s a treat.
You can peruse the nifty slideshow (and the text follows the slides, btw), kindly hosted by io9.
The Thackery T. Lambshead Cabinet of Curiosities is one of the most unusual, complex and interesting anthologies published this year. You’re going to want a copy of your own, so why not duck into one of my favorite booksellers, Mysterious Galaxy in sunny San Diego, especially if you’re headed into town for the upcoming World Fantasy Convention? Or order online from them to support genre booksellers.
I love your blog site! Pretty awesome! Please contact me. I lost your address. Thanks!
Lynda M.
Hi, Lynda! Good to hear from you. An email is on its way.