More Internet Amazement

Say what you will, the internet is an amazing place. So many resources exist to help a person do just about anything, from raising chickens to learning to knit. I am quite proud to say that the old series o’tubes has helped me learn, at least in the latter case.

New amazing thing I tried, thanks to my writing buddy Scott W. Baker, is a little thing called Duotrope’s Digest. For a newbie writer like me, finding appropriate semi-pro markets is a challenge, but the Digest makes it easy. I can search the database for exactly the type of market that’s best for my work.

Maybe I’ll figure out how to fit the widget below into my sidebar a bit later when hubbie is home to help with the code.

Duotrope's Digest: search for short fiction & poetry markets

I submitted a piece yesterday to The Future Fire, a paying semi-pro that specializes in political themes. I hope that my story can find a home there; I’m concerned that the story’s lesbian main character may not have been welcome at a couple other places I submitted to.

We shall see! It’s good to get back to the work that’s important to me, now that the term is coming to an end.

6 thoughts on “More Internet Amazement”

  1. Just discovering Duotrope? I had no idea or I'd have force fed it to you long ago. The submission tracker there is a nice tool, too, and using it contributes to their response time reporting. Anyway, glad I helped you find it. 🙂

  2. Yes, I'm learning, however slowly it's happening.

    I created a spreadsheet a while back to track submissions. You think you don't need that until you have a lot of work flying around. The old spiral notebook wasn't doing the trick! I'm planning to check out their tracker, though.

  3. Cool beans – I may look into it one day. Of course, I would need content so that may delay things a bit.

    Remind me to talk to your partner in crime about a simple retail website design.

  4. Tracie, why are you looking for semi-pro markets? Did I miss that your stories have hit all the pro ones already?

    If not, send to the top markets first, stat! 🙂

  5. Yeah, I get that I should start at the top and work my way down.

    For the most part, I'm trying to learn the pro and semi-pro market and get my feet wet.

    I'm hoping that after Clarion I'll have a better idea of what I'm doing all the way around.


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